Everyone loves the word ‘treasure.’ It always conveys the positive. Implied are adoration or a certain wealth.  There is nothing negative to say about the word ‘treasure.’

There are riches that are obvious and common.  And then, there are the odd and fantastic riches of a world beyond our own.  These riches are the greatest, most ancient treasure.  This treasure can be yours and mine. It has been put in sight for all to find.  It is as precious as gold, as unique as a pearl. It is priceless; cannot fade or tarnish. 


Most would agree a treasure could be added to, and all would agree that it can be subtracted from.  But only one treasure multiplies.  It is like the pod of a striking flower. The flower has eternal promise. Though the petals fall, the seeds offer an immortality and hope.  The seeds generate anew, bring many flowers to thrive and fall, all containing again lives to be sown. 

And, so it is with this treasure.  Hidden in a jar of clay, it contains promise, hope and love.  It is an everlasting wealth that doesn’t fade or diminish.  It is the promise that there is an inheritance, an even greater treasure for the one who finds it.  We are that jar; in our heart lies the treasure.  If one will only receive the wealth that has been laid out to be found, they will find the Spirit of the Treasure, the Beloved Son of God. 

The only hope that mankind could escape her plight is that God’s Precious Son would come and rescue us.  Because of His great regard and vision for the human race, He endured many things so that we can live well and look forward to the reality of being in God’s presence.  Because He loves us, He helped us to understand and to see God.  Because we could not comprehend a man equal to God, he made Himself a poor child. This was the Beloved Child of God, His Darling.  He came because He has a vision of us all with Him; that was the fuel to endure whatever it would take.

When He taught, He would often compare the Kingdom of Heaven to planting seeds in the ground.  This is because the Son loves life.  He too, was to be put in the ground as dead and emerge from it as life.  Incorporated into the life of a seed are more lives to be lived.  Exponential abundance of His living and loving Heart is so wonderfully illustrated.  Though each seed lives only once, it provides the basis of life to another, and then another.

Simple to understand and difficult to imagine is the realm of The Christ. This perplexing reality is ours to treasure.  During His dwelling on the earth, His closest friends could not comprehend the plan as He described.  They had to endure it and experience it. In the aftermath of His death and after, His New Life, they were endowed with the promise to pass to each of us.  Like seeds themselves, they sowed their own lives into the world around them that the strategy for life would go on until the time that He will return.

Fear and confusion almost overtook them as they grasped to understand why He would lay down His own life to His enemies.  They did not yet have the Spirit that would help them to discern such mysteries. They only had their own spirit, and they were fainting. So loving and methodical in His teaching them, He assured them that it was better for Him to go away so that He could send His Own Spirit from Heaven to them and all of us.  Walking along as the time approached, He took them to a wisdom that transcended all academia saying, “Unless a grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.”  If that seed dies it bears more of its own kind.  This time the treasured Child of God would die so that He could create beloved children for His Kingdom.  His Spirit and this Truth is now that treasure, and is our very own.